We must do something!

The Philippines is the Global Hotspot for

Online Sexual Exploitation of CHILDREN (OSEC)!

Our Hearts were broken!

Thank you so much for being committed to praying! As you know, David and I have been living and serving in the Philippines. And my heart is broken for what is happening in this country! We have an urgent need for your prayers and we are asking that you not only pray, but seek to have your community to pray. There is unlimited power from God when you pray!!!!!

The Internet and vulnerability of children

Before the internet, customers had to travel to the Philippines. Traffickers recruited vulnerable teens and coerced them to work in bars or clubs. Now, pedophiles and predators can enter the homes of Filipino children through a simple internet connection. Victims tend to be young—some under 2 years old—and the traffickers tend to be trusted family members who earn quick cash by exploiting children in their care.*(AUSTRAC, 2019; ECPAT International, 2017; EFC, 2015; Europol, 2019; Puffer et al., 2014)


The Facts

- There are an estimated 750,000 predators online at any given moment.* (UN)- Human trafficking is a massive global enterprise, generating about $150 billion yearly - two-thirds from commercial sexual exploitation.* (UN)- Worldwide, about 70% of human trafficking victims are women and girls, and up to 50% are minors.*(Walk Free ILO)- The median age is 11 years, but it is reported as young as two months old- Streaming from all over the world!Philippine Survivor Network (PSN) launched in February 2023 and is open to those who are 15 years or older and 81 members already!

You Can Be the Bridge of Freedom Today!

We are praying for wisdom and discernment for our next steps. The need is great, and it is reported that only 10% of children know this is exploitation. Manila has the highest population density of 119,600 per square mile, with New York City only at 27,016 population density per square mile.We return to the Philippines in July and pray for future discussions and that we will follow God's leading in every step. There are three individuals that we are talking with now.We need monthly partners to join The Bridge to Freedom. This is a long term need, and you could make a BIG difference!

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